Visual Logic Editor
Key features:
The core of the system is based on ScriptableObject
Run logic in deferred mode from any source
Installation and control of communications between components of logic
Support for shared data between components
Integration of logic with external code
Redefining visual appearance of components in the visual editor
Configuring component settings via the Unity3d inspector
Adding components by dragging a script or from a catalog that is automatically generated
Infinite extensibility of the component database
Grouping components in the logic editor
Inverting the input and output points from the component
Tracing the component's internal data in debug mode
Step-by-step debugging of logic with viewing transmitted data and tracking the values of shared data
Disabling links between components in the visual editor
Customize the visual appearance of the component (collapsing and unfolding, hiding the parameter area, inversion of input and output points)
Support for MonoBehavior methods and setting the order of their execution between components
Support for Coroutine, async/await, Unity3d attributes etc.